Yearly Archives: 2015


Taking Accountability Over Accounts: Familial Relationship Is No Excuse

The Supreme Court of Ohio recently released an opinion the sanctions to be imposed on two attorneys for their violations of several rules of professional conduct, including Professional Conduct Rules 1.5(a) (excessive fees), 1.15(a) (holding client funds in interest-bearing account with a clear fiduciary title), 1.15(a)(2) (maintenance of complete records of accounts with client funds), and 1.15(a)(5) (monthly reconciliations of accounts with client funds). Accountability
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Storing Client Data in the Cloud is Ethical, With Safeguards

On September 11, 2015, the Tennessee Supreme Court Board of Professional Responsibility confirmed in Formal Opinion 2015-F-159 that a lawyer may ethically allow client confidential information to be stored in “the cloud.” In doing so, the lawyer must take reasonable care to ensure that client materials remain safe and confidential. storing
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South Carolina: Linking Google AdWords to Opposing Party and Counsel Violates Legal Ethics Rules

A South Carolina attorney—who used Google AdWords to link his law firm’s advertisement to the names of an opposing party timeshare company and three attorneys associated with the timeshare company—was prosecuted by the South Carolina Bar for violations of South Carolina’s advertising rules and the Lawyer’s Oath contained in South Carolina Appellate Court Rule 402(k).
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