Monthly Archives: April 2017


Bar Admission Rule Challenge Joins String of Defeats

In its latest attempt to lessen barriers to multijurisdictional practice, the National Association for the Advancement of Multijurisdiction Practice (“NAAMJP”) challenged specific bar admission conditions for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, delineated in the identical text of Local Civil Rule 83.8 and Local Criminal Rule 57.21, violate statutory and constitutional legal standards.
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Required to Report a Client’s Drug Addiction? Illinois Says Not Necessarily…

A recent Illinois ethics opinion, advised that although a lawyer is obligated to reveal confidential information about a client if is deemed reasonably necessary to prevent certain death or substantial bodily harm, a client’s addiction to heroin or opioid drugs will not trigger that obligation, absent more specific factual details that indicate the risk is not simply remote and uncertain.
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