Monthly Archives: June 2021

Sanctions for profanity

Profanity is Costly: Lawyer Sanctioned for Conduct Unbecoming and F*** You

Florida Federal Court Imposes Sanctions for Profanity and Unprofessionalism Three depositions, two lawyers, and one court reporter…what could go “wrong?” Apparently, conduct by all three that included one lawyer telling the other lawyer to, “Shut the f*** up.” The dispute seems to have exploded after one lawyer, Mr. “K” objected to the use of the ...
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First Amendment

HawkLaw Attorney Advertising Being Preyed Upon By South Carolina Bar Authorities?

First Amendment v Attorney Advertising Regulation The internet’s low cost and ease of advertising has increased the focus on the tension between the state regulation of attorney advertising and attorneys’ First Amendment right to commercial speech that was  established by the US Supreme Court in Bates v Arizona in 1977. The latest episode is taking ...
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law books

New York Lawyer Rental Office Business for Lawyers Ok’d By NYSBA 1223

When New York Lawyers are Your Renters Rather than Your Clients As the pandemic winds down and folks return to work, there is a lot of discussion about the work place—remote, in person, or hybrid—and the nature of a post COVID work space. In New York one lawyer recently submitted an inquiry to the New ...
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