Candor & Duty to Report: Former Prosecutor Testifies that Zimmerman Prosecution Has Withheld Evidence

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  • Candor & Duty to Report: Former Prosecutor Testifies that Zimmerman Prosecution Has Withheld Evidence
The Miami Herald reports that a former prosecutor has come forward with allegations that evidence of deleted text messages and photo’s retrieved from Traynon Martin’s cell phone has been withheld by the prosecution in the Zimmerman case, which has been set for trial on June 10th. Candor

The former prosecutor, Wesley White, has come forward citing his responsibility as an officer of the court to inform the court of any misconduct or potential misconduct occurring in the case.  White, who is now in private practice, apparently recently learned about the information from the Fourth Judicial Circuit’s Information Technology Director. A hearing on the turning over of evidence has been scheduled by Judge Nelson for next week.
