The Florida Bar recently obtained the emergency suspension of attorney, Ashley Ann Krapacs, for using social media to launch “an attack of massive and continuous proportions” against two Fort Lauderdale attorneys, Russell Williams and Nisha Bacchus. Attacks
Williams had represented Krapacs’s ex-boyfriend in litigation against Krapacs. In one instance, Krapacs discussed Williams’ behavior at a proceeding on a LinkedIn post, stating, “Oh, and opposing counsel blatantly flat-out LIED on the record. The judge didn’t even bat an eye.” In other social media postings, Krapacs refereed to Williams as an “old white male attorney” who was harassing her with meritless legal action. She also claimed the judge was part of the “Old Boy’s Club” because he ruled against her. Some of her posts were followed by #metoo, #endsexism, and #holymisogyny.
After Krapacs’s case against her ex-boyfriend was dismissed, Williams sued Krapacs for defamation. Williams hired Bacchus, his former intern, to represent him in the suit. Krapacs then composed derogatory posts against Bacchus, insulting Bacchus’ ability as an attorney.
For example, Krapacs posted an Instagram directed at Bacchus, consisting of a Home Alone meme showing a kid pointing a gun at an individual captioned with “when opposing counsel tried to use the same exact trick you saw in your last case.” Krapacs also created YouTube videos calling the defamation lawsuit “25 pages of garbage, lies and fake news” and insulting Williams as “a moron, a sexist and a bully.”
Bacchus responded by obtaining a police report and a Temporary Injunction for Protection Against Stalking
The Florida Bar then filed an emergency suspension petition, alleging that the Krapacs violated Florida Bar Ethics Rules, including 3-4.3, Misconduct and Minor Misconduct, Rule 4-4.4, Respect for Rights of Third Persons, and 4-8.4, Misconduct, among others. Ultimately, the Florida Supreme Court suspended Krapacs’s license “until further order” of the court.
Read the Florida Bar Petition here.
Read the Florida Supreme Court’s Ruling here.

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