
law books

New York Lawyer Rental Office Business for Lawyers Ok’d By NYSBA 1223

When New York Lawyers are Your Renters Rather than Your Clients As the pandemic winds down and folks return to work, there is a lot of discussion about the work place—remote, in person, or hybrid—and the nature of a post COVID work space. In New York one lawyer recently submitted an inquiry to the New ...
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Geo-Fencing: Abusive or Astute Attorney Advertising?

New Jersey Opinion 46 Addresses Geo-Fencing Lawyers have discovered the electronic marketing techniques referred to as geo-fencing or geo-targeting and have inquired about the propriety of their use in attorney advertising.  The New Jersey Committee on Attorney Advertising has recently responded in Opinion 46 with guidance that permits geo-fencing with specific limitations. A bit of ...
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Attorneys May Respond to Negative Online Reviews

In June 2018, the Florida Bar Ethics Committee voted 18-0 to approve a Florida Bar Staff Opinion that “permits an inquiring attorney to post a limited response to a negative online review that the attorney says falsely accuses her of theft.” Attorneys
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Advertising 2.0? The ABA Revises Attorney Advertising Rules

In an effort to keep up with growing concerns about restrictions on truthful legal ads and lawyer advertising trends regarding cross-border practices, social media, and the internet, the American Bar Association recently published revisions to its ethics rules on lawyer advertising, hoping to promote simplicity and uniformity across the country.
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