The District of Columbia Bar Issues Social Media Guidelines

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  • The District of Columbia Bar Issues Social Media Guidelines
The District of Columbia Bar is the most recent state bar to issue social media guidelines.

Acknowledging the ubiquitous nature of social media, the D.C. Bar joins the growing chorus of state advisory opinions that suggest that competence requires an understanding of social media.

The D.C. Bar opted to discuss social media in two separate opinions, one opinion focused on marketing and the other opinion dealing with the use of social media in the practice of the law.

The D.C. opinions echo other state guidance in applying the traditional professional conduct standards to the use of social media. In other words, attorneys should employ social media to enhance effective representation without crossing the lines into pretexting or other impermissible conduct. D.C. also adds insight into the impact may have in a regulatory or transactional practice. In the marketing arena, an attorney must adhere to the attorney advertising rules and diligently monitor her social media presence for accuracy and compliance with the rules.

To read the D.C. Opinions, click here and here.


Columbia Columbia