Increased Demand for Powerful Social Media Tracking Tools

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  • Increased Demand for Powerful Social Media Tracking Tools
With the rise of e-discovery, law firms are now looking for a truly Orwellian social media tracking tool. Powerful

As law firms face more requests to preserve and collect social media data, software makers are being pressed to develop a single program to manage information from Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and other social media networks.

Attorneys could benefit greatly from a single program that could collect information from any and all social media networks – as opposed to a product that captures only a fragment – while integrating that information with phone calls, text messages, emails, GPS tracking. Beginning with the “Big Three” – Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn – attorneys could use the data gathered by a comprehensive social media monitoring package to develop a more complete picture of an individual for e-discovery purposes.

But does that go too far? The prospect of a “Big Brother” tracking tool brings up an interesting question for the future. Should lawyers be able to use a tracking tool that enables them to archive all of one’s social media activity, communications, and location?

Click here for more information on current tools available to help firms track social media.
