Wrongful Conviction Results in Arrest of Former State Prosecutor

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  • Wrongful Conviction Results in Arrest of Former State Prosecutor
In 1989, Michael Morton was convicted of murdering his wife. The prosecutor was Ken Anderson. Conviction

Fast forward to 2013…Michael Morton has been released as a result of DNA litigation and a Public Information Act request that revealed that the prosecution withheld exculpatory evidence during the original trial.

Ken Anderson, now a state court judge, has been arrested after being served with a warrant, which was issued because a Court of Inquiry, convened by the Texas Supreme Court at the request of the Morton’s attorneys, found sufficient evidence to require Anderson to answer for the alleged criminal conduct that resulted in the wrongful conviction and imprisonment of Michael Morton for 25 years.

In issuing a warrant for Judge Anderson’s arrest, Texas Judge Louis Sturns opined, “This court cannot think of a more intentionally harmful act than a prosecutor’s conscious choice to hide mitigating evidence so as to create an uneven playing field for a defendant facing a murder charge and a life sentence.”

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